of European Senates |
and representation of local authorities
Wednesday 6 june 2001
OF THE DEBATES ON « senates and representation of local authorities »
Christian Poncelet, President of the Senate of the French Republic :
you know, we have chosen to devote our work to the subject of
representation of local communities by our Assemblies.
topic is the very foundation of the institutional and political legitimacy
of our assemblies and, quite apart from the great diversity of second
chambers, it is the core function of all Senates.
from being anomalous, the French Senate has the constructive attribute of
being a parliamentary assembly in its own right, as well as exercising a
role as representative of local authorities. This is a constitutional
a parliamentary assembly in its own right, the Senate undertakes its
legislative duties on an equal footing with the National Assembly, and
will exercise its scrutinising role as an equal participant in a bicameral
structure until such time as the Government sees fit.
addition to its role as a parliamentary assembly, the Senate was vested,
by Article 24 of the French Constitution, with the power to represent
local authorities. As the mouthpiece of these local authorities, the
Senate has thus logically become the natural, preferred defender of local
shall first of all show you, therefore, how the method of electing our
Senators, which is triply original, makes our assembly the mouthpiece of
the local authorities.
first unique feature is that the great majority of our Senators is elected
in the French départements, the « spiritual sons » of the
French Revolution, one of our great "French exceptions" since
they provide an intermediate level between the traditional local level and
the regional level which is still to come.
of the 321 members of our Senate, 304 are elected in the framework of the
metropolitan and overseas territories (New Caledonia, French Polynesia,
Wallis and Futuna), and 2 in local authorities with special status
(Mayotte and Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon). Furthermore, the two million
French citizens living abroad elect twelve Senators by means of their
second original feature is that Senators are elected by elected officials.
each département, the Senators are elected by an electoral college itself
elected by direct universal suffrage, composed of the département'
deputies, the regional councillors elected in the département, the
members of the département general council, and, above all, by the
representatives from town councils, the number of whom varies depending on
the size of the population in the town concerned.
in all, almost 96% of the electoral college for Senators, the total number
of members of which is some 145.000 great electors, is composed of town
councillors, those « germ cells of democracy ».
is clear that the Senate is totally immersed in local life because of its
method of election.
the third and last originality of the method of electing Senators in
france, is that there is a twofold election system. Senators are elected,
according to the number of seats in each département, by majority vote in
the small départements with one or two seats, and by proportional
representation in the larger ones.
result is that 70% of Senators are elected by proportional representation,
which, combined with alternating parity, should put an end to quarrels as
to representativeness, and therefore also to the sometimes justified
arguments that the Senate is not a legitimate institution.
it must be acknowledged that this method of electing Senators has resulted
in over-representation of rural France to the detriment of urban France.
imbalance shows, first, in over-representation of the small rural
localities within the Senate electoral college, and second, by the
distribution of Senate seats among the départements, which, because there
has been no "demographic reshuffle" since 1976, disadvantages
the "urban départements", in which population has increased.
deal first with the question of representation of districts in the Senate
electoral college, it must be admitted that in a locality of 1,000
inhabitants, one Senate elector represents 333 inhabitants whereas in
Paris, he or she represents 950.
illustration of this imbalance in favour of rural localities is that
33,000 districts or towns of 2,500 inhabitants are represented by 45 %
of local delegates in the Senate electoral college, despite the fact that
they represent only 30 % of the population.
is clear that this situation must be rectified and urban districts must be
given more weight, while at the same time not skimping the representation
of the small and medium sized towns which constitute the economic, social
and human fabric of our country.
the means of achieving this indispensable reform has become fraught with
difficulty since the decision handed down by the French Conseil
Constitutionnel on July 6 2000, censuring the law abolishing the link
between the number of town councillors in a locality and that of its
Senate delegates, and substituting a single demographic key: one Senate
elector for 300 inhabitants.
its decision, the Conseil Constitutionnel drew two clear, logical and
inescapable conclusions from this principle, as well as ringingly re-asserting
that « The task of the Senate is to represent the local authorities
of the Republic »:
first conclusion was that « all categories of local authority »
should be represented in the electoral college for the Senate, which must« reflect
their diversity » ;
second is that the members of the Senate electorate « must be
chosen from » the local authorities and, « it follows that
this electorate must be composed for the most part of members of the
deliberating assemblies of the local authorities », and not of
additional delegates chosen from outside the town council.
latter must participate in the electoral college purely for the purpose of
correcting the demographic imbalance.
the only reform which would increase the weight of towns in the Senate
electoral college, but not "borrowing from Peter to pay off
Paul", that is, without reducing the representation of the small and
medium-sized towns, is to follow the proposal made by the Senate in 1999
countering the Government bill.
idea was to keep things as they stood for towns under 9,000 inhabitants
and, beyond this number of inhabitants, to provide that delegates would be
chosen in the ratio of one per 700 inhabitants, in addition to the town
councillors who elect Senators as of right.
will probably be necessary to raise this number of inhabitants per
additional delegate from 700 to 1,000 if the disapproval of the
Constitutional Council is to be avoided. It might result in too many
Senate delegates who were not elected officers.
regards the distribution of Senate seats among the départements, the
situation as it stands is a poor reflection of France's demographic
evolution and thus, less populated départements are better represented -
these being the rural ones.
is because since 1976, the distribution key, which was instituted in 1948
and provided that each département would have one Senate seat per 150,000
inhabitants and an additional one for every 250,000 (or fraction thereof)
inhabitants beyond this number, has not been applied.
the Creuse département has two Senate seats for 124,500 inhabitants, i.e.
one seat per 62,250 inhabitants, while the Var département only has three
for almost 900,000 inhabitants, that is one seat per 300,000 inhabitants.
correct this imbalance which favours the less-populated départements,
that is the rural ones, there are two possible solutions:
first, which would require an organic law, would be to increase the number
of seats to limit the impact of this new distribution in terms of loss of
seats, in the départements where the population has relatively or
absolutely fallen. The Senate refused this solution, holding that public
opinion would not accept an increase in the number of Senate members.
second solution, which would need an ordinary organic law, would entail a
new distribution of the seats among the départements with steady
population figures, thus allowing the redistribution of seats among the départements
to occur at random, with no "buffer" measures.
all these issues, the Senate must determine, and itself set in train, the
changes needed to rectify this imbalance.
the means of expression of local authorities and as the representation
thereof, the French Senate has thus quite naturally become the defender of
those local authorities. This will be the second part of my speech.
« The
Great Council of French Towns », the expression used by Gambetta in
his Belleville speech in 1875, the Senate has been strengthened by
decentralisation and can thus better play its role as the defender of
local authorities. It has two ways of doing this.
of all, the Senate has claimed the role of protector of local independence,
in both its legislative and scrutinising activities.
the Senate has gradually built up a body of jurisprudence on which to base
its scrutiny of laws relating to local authorities, which is far above
party political differences.
this jurisprudence provides for the promotion and defence of local
autonomy, which must be upheld by elected officers with a true role to
play, and local authorities with the means to implement the policy decided
by their deliberating assemblies.
in exercising scrutiny, the Senate has tended to become the watchdog of
decentralisation, which it deems to be a beneficial reform insofar as it
gives free rein to local initiative and action, as well as rendering
public action more efficient and contributing to the development of local
more than this, the Senate considers that this reform is incomplete, and a
Senate working group recently submitted detailed proposals for "decentralisation
Act II".
duty to stimulate the Government into action should no doubt be pursued
further, by creating a permanent Senate Observatory on decentralisation,
which could draw up annual reports on the stage of decentralisation and
regional development.
the Senate has for the past two and a half years endeavoured to fulfil a
role as a home for local authorities.
idea of proximity is being achieved first by organising the States General
of local elected officials which I hold in each region.
next session of these States General, to be held in Marseille on June 15,
will discuss precise topics such as legal security, joint action between
districts, finance, water etc. We prepare them by sending out a
questionnaire so that local officers can show what concerns them at a
given time.
from being merely "Republican High Masses" with no concrete
outcome, these States General purport to arrive at legislative solutions.
the Lille States General in September 1999 resulted in the Fauchon Law
dated July 10, 2000, on liability of State and private decision makers in
unpremeditated offences.
the States General gave rise to a bill recently passed by the Senate, the
purpose of which is to confer a status worthy of the name on locally
elected officers.
third illustration of this approach is the Senate's adoption of the bill
for a Constitutional law, which I signed jointly with the Senators who
preside over the main local authority associations and the president of
the local finance committee, on free administration of local authorities
and their fiscal and financial autonomy.
this occasion we proposed that the Senate be vested with specific powers
in the matter of bills on local authorities, and more precisely, that
equal bicameralism be set up in this field.
make no mistake - this does not mean amputating the Senate of its
dimension as a parliamentary assembly in its own right, and cutting it
down to the level of a chamber specialised in local affairs, a kind of« Bundesrat
à la française », as Michel Rocard put it.
the contrary, it means preserving our role as a parliamentary assembly
while at the same time allowing us to benefit fully from our
constitutional bonus as representative of local authorities.
addition, the Senate has, since 1998, implemented a policy of offering
volunteer services to local authorities, with the creation of a Senate
local authorities department, a special Web site reserved for locally
elected officers ("Local Authority Forum") and the making
available of the Brussels Senate information Service to local authorities
to help them gain access to European structural funds.
most striking symbol of this re-found proximity with locally elected
officers was without a doubt the Feast of the Federation, or the Mayors'
Feast day, on July 14 2000, at which 13,000 mayors, proudly decorated with
their tricolour sashes, gathered with the Senators on the Champs Elysées
in Paris and afterwards in the gardens of the Senate.
is clear that our Senates, most of which represent local authorities in
one way or another, must cultivate this special aspect which is in fact
their strength. It is certainly what I myself wish for the French Senate.
this regard, I take this opportunity to state solemnly that we will do our
utmost to persuade France to ratify the European Charter for Local
Autonomy, which, as you know, has been signed by 38 out of the 43 member
countries in the Council of Europe and ratified by 34 of them.
four countries which have signed but not yet ratified this charter are
France, Armenia, Belgium and Ireland. I shall therefore endeavour to
persuade France to ratify it as soon as possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as you have seen, the salient features of the French
Senate are that it is a parliamentary assembly in its own right, and also
the home of local authorities. These special features must be preserved at
all costs, and indeed reinforced, because they constitute the true raison
d'être of bicameralism.
is also our ambition to proclaim our difference and to make the Senate
more "popular" in the noble sense of the word, thus bringing to
the notice of our fellow citizens the fact that bicameralism is a great
opportunity for democracy.
Petr Pithart, President of the Czech Senate :
our last meeting, I did not have the opportunity to present the Czech
Senate, which is the youngest in the world. I will therefore do so today.
The Senate was created in the Czech Republic as an essential ingredient in
the separation of power and system of checks and balances. It also plays a
role in internal parliamentary scrutiny and safeguards institutional
stability. It is not directly related to territorial autonomy. However, it
endeavours to provide a meeting place where leading edge policies,
initiatives by the civil society and expert knowledge can mingle.
Czech Senate does not represent particular interests in society and is
among the minority of upper chambers in the world. Most of them are, it is
true, associated in one form or another with the representation of
interests which differ from those of all the citizens. More specifically,
they are mostly chambers for territorial representation, in either
federations or decentralised single States. Professional, religious,
ethnic or linguistic groups can also be observed in upper chambers.
Czech constitution provided nothing of this sort for the Czech Senate.
Although in 1992, when it was created, a regional and territorial base was
planned, on the recommendation of the President of the Republic Vaclav
Havel, in the end the Senate was established on the traditional Czech
model from between the wars, that is, with the horizontal separation of
powers that had been used for 250 years. At the time, the first Czech
Republic did not make the best use of this bicameral system. The Chambers
of the Parliament were elected in the same way and at the same time: party
discipline was exceptional and essential political decisions were
frequently made outside the Parliament, so much so that the Senate could
not exercise its right of scrutiny. The bicameral Parliament was abolished
shortly after the country was occupied in 1939, to be restored in 1968
when Czechoslovakia became a federation.
the next twenty-three years, the Federal Assembly was composed of two
chambers, the People's Chamber and the Chamber of Nations, but
bicameralism could not fully develop, first because the Czech Communist
Party held the monopoly, and second, because of the practice of holding
common sessions of the two chambers. The Federal Assembly was thus
threatened with paralysis from the outset, due to the disputes arising
from the separation of power between the Federation and the national
1990 and 1992, the historical experience of Czechoslovakia threw new light
on the maxims of Charles de Montesquieu and his successors. This situation
was due not only to the totalitarian system but also to the events
preceding it. The principles of separation of powers and checks and
balances had already almost succumbed in the face of concentrated powers
in the hands of a relatively small group of party leaders during the first
democratic Republic of between the wars.
situation also occurred in the years between 1945 and 1948, with limited
party politics. At the time, the four authorised political parties were
associated, with the Czech Communist Party dominating. Neither the
bicameral parliament nor the Constitutional Court were re-elected. This
also occurred in Spain, with the disappearance of the upper chamber under
the authoritarian régime. That is why I consider bicameralism to be a
factor of stability in institutions and political systems, especially for
post-totalitarian societies in which it is very tempting, for a time, to
return to an authoritarian régime.
every country where there is no liberal tradition, where civil society has
not been developed, there is this risk of slipping back into a form of
non-liberal democracy. Some regimes which have begun with free, democratic
elections, ignore the Constitutional limits placed on their powers and
make light of fundamental rights and freedoms. In this type of country,
the safeguards must be made more secure than in those where there is a
stronger tradition of constitutional liberalism.
economies and parliamentary democracies which are set up for the first
time cannot prevent crises in which demagogues and extremists of all kinds
emerge. The countries emerging from Communist rule run a far greater risk
of losing stability than those where democratic institutions already run
properly. They are obliged to protect their nascent democracy more
bicameral parliament provides one indispensable protection, but on two
conditions: first, that the two Chambers of the Parliament be distinct
from each other, not because someone has decided so, but as the logical
outcome of two different methods of election, irrespective of the persons
elected, be they deputies or Senators. The second condition is that
dialogue between the two Chambers not be mere conversation, but produce
results in terms of the legislative process.
differences between the Chambers in our country are laid down by the
Constitution. Senators are elected for six years, and deputies for four.
The Senate is renewed by one third every two years and cannot be dissolved.
The Senators are elected by majority vote in two ballots. The entire
Chamber of Deputies is renewed and can be dissolved in certain
circumstances, and its members are elected by proportional representation,
the actual form of election being negotiated at the present time.
Senators in Czechoslovakia are less dependent on party politics because
the upper chamber has less power and is elected by majority vote for a
relatively long parliamentary life. This reduces the risk of power being
concentrated in the same hands. It would thus appear that there is no link
between the Senate and the regions. That is not quite true. The political
and social system in the Czech Republic is still very much centralised,
unfortunately. It is only last year that we began territorial reform, and
only this year have we set up the upper echelon of territorial autonomy,
that is to say the regions.
Senate has its own special organisation to examine the possibilities of
its own reform, and my colleagues and I do not think that the time has yet
come to regionalise the Senate, on the lines of those in the other Western
European countries.
think that we could base our reform on the various examples in France,
Italy, the Netherlands or Spain. We wish there to be a personal link
between the Senate and regionally elected officers. We like what France
has developed since 1875, that is co-operation between townships.
majority election system links Senators to their constituencies with an
iron grip. Because they have a legitimate interest in being re-elected,
they are sensitive to the problems and interests in their own local
politics. Thus the Senate becomes the upper level of local politics. Now,
it is very difficult for a single party to dominate these local politics,
in whatever country. A Chamber that has been elected by majority vote
should be the organisation to defend the interests of the men and the
institutions implementing local policy. However, multi-cultural trends
which, in political theory, are associated with bicameralism, mean that a
single type of interest cannot be dominant. Thus, greater diversity should
be encouraged.
the moment, we face a wide range of opportunities. The Senate is
responsible for important business, but also for less important matters:
it is becoming a mouthpiece for local interests, while at the same time
laying down the priorities for the country as a whole in the long term. So
these are two totally different aspects of Senate activities. Not all
Senators can cope with it all, but that is not a problem. The style of
Senate discussions and decision making is serene and thorough, and members
listen to each other, thus ensuring that the Senate fully carries out its
role in legislative scrutiny. The Senate of the Parliament of the Czech
Republic is an original version of a senate, and stands out from the other
more conservative ones. It is endeavouring to grasp the particular needs
of our country and our time. Allow me, Ladies and Gentlemen, to invite you
all to the meeting of this association in Prague, probably in spring 2003.
I shall have great pleasure in welcoming you.
Françoise Saudan, President of the Swiss Council of States :
The Swiss federal
Constitution provides for 46 members of the Council of States, that is,
two deputies for each of the twenty three cantons in the Swiss
population of each canton elects two deputies, regardless of its
number of inhabitants, surface or economic clout. Thus, the same paradox
as that which you yourself noted, Mr. Chairman, but even more marked in
this case, can be observed in our smallest canton Appenzell Innerrhoden,
numbering fifteen thousand inhabitants and forming a canton with Appenzell
Ausserrhoden, elects one Senator, and the canton of Zurich, which is
the economic hub of our country with one million one hundred thousand
inhabitants, elects only two. If my arithmetic is right, that means one
Senator for fourteen thousand inhabitants in one case and one Senator for
five hundred and fifty thousand in the other.
republics and cantons lay down the rules for the election of their
deputies and in all the cantons, except the last small canton in the
Confederation, the canton of Jura, it is the majority vote which is used
for election of Senators.
other Chamber in the Swiss Federal Assembly, the National Council, is
composed of two hundred deputies, elected by proportional representation.
Thus, to return to my example, Appenzell Innerrhoden will have one deputy
whereas the canton of Zurich will have thirty five. That is how our
country achieves balance.
two chambers sit and deliberate separately. However, they have absolutely
identical powers and duties. It is the specific feature of the Swiss
regime which gave rise to the comment of our eminent constitutional law
specialist Jean-François Aubert: we have perfect bicameralism. Neither of
our two chambers dominates the other. How can we arrive at an agreement?
Naturally, a procedure for avoidance of differences of opinion is provided,
the final stage of which is the Conciliation Conference, on which both the
Senators and the National Councillors sit. To my knowledge, agreement has
always been arrived at this stage.
as regards representation, there again we have considerable differences
with our great neighbour Germany, and our neighbour Austria. The members
of the Council of States, and this is guaranteed by our federal
Constitution, do not vote according to instructions. No canton can impose
a vote one way or another. That is where the difference, not least with
some of our neighbouring countries, lies.
we maintain extremely close contact with the cantons as well as the
Parliaments or the executive bodies. When our national airline Swissair
decided to abandon Geneva Cointrin airport, all the Geneva deputies agreed
to defend the interest of our airport. But can it be said that Senators
are biased in favour of their own cantons? No study has ever formally
proved this. It has simply been observed that for some subjects, there is
a kind of sacred union which groups both the National Councillors and the
States Councillors in the defence of their own cantons.
explains the existence of a structure which I am not sure exists in other
countries: the Conference of Canton Governments. It includes the executive
bodies of the various cantons and subjects of federal importance are
discussed, where they have repercussions on the cantons. Let me give you
two concrete illustrations: first, social policy and education issues, and
second, European integration. These are issues of federal importance where
the cantons have felt the need to meet in order to hammer out a common
position. It is more particularly this Conference of the Canton
Governments which is already involved, in the framework of the second
round of bilateral negotiations, in examining whether our country should
integrate the Schengen area or the Dublin Convention.
given our country's specific structure, one essential issue is the
financial balance between cantons. It is a fundamental challenge to the
cohesion of our country since, for cantons like Jura or Uri, almost 80% of
the budget or of large infrastructure is funded by the Confederation. Now,
this financial balance between cantons, an essential instrument of
national cohesion, is beginning to show signs of strain because cantons
like Zurich, Geneva or Basle are becoming richer and richer and some
others poorer and poorer. It thus became clear that the financial balance
needed re-adjusting, and the Conference of Canton financial directors thus
played an essential role.
question facing us is therefore: what role will the Council of States play
in the future? In an evolving regional Europe, we must take account of the
interests both of our country and of each canton. Initiatives have been
taken to merge two cantons, Vaux and Geneva, and study has also begun in
German-speaking Switzerland to establish entities with a significant
weight. The question is, how can we continue to defend the interests of
the cantons in these new heavyweight structures, because we will no longer
be sufficiently influential at local level.
is the final characteristic of the Council of States? I might seem
somewhat pretentious in saying this, but in our country the Council of
States is called the advisory chamber. Why? Because in our system we often
go into action after the National Council, except in certain matters
directly involving the cantons where we intervene first. This gives us the
time to observe how the debates have taken place in the National Council,
and think up possible solutions, thus becoming a kind of guardian of the
Constitution. We also safeguard the quality of our legislation and the
stability of our law.
will end my speech with a rather amusing quote from Jefferson, who very
prettily said : « The tea is not so hot when you pour it into a
second cup before the first ».
Tone Hrovat, President of the National Council of Slovenia :
current parliamentary system in the Republic of Slovenia is fairly recent.
However, the constitutional basis for the two chambers is well-established
and I hope that it will endure and gain in strength. In the 1991
Constitution, the definition of the Senate comes second after that of the
National Assembly.
the latter, which is composed of deputies representing the entire
population, the Senate of Slovenia represents social, economic,
professional and local interests. It should be noted that of the 40
Senators, 22 represent local interests. The powers of the Senate are as
follows: it gives an opinion to the National Assembly on all issues within
its jurisdiction, it has the right to veto a bill, thus preventing it from
being enacted and leading to a second discussion, and it can initiate
parliamentary inquiries and referendums of legislative significance. It
can also request the opinion of the National Assembly on certain
latest amendments to the rules have increased the Senate's powers since,
by right, it can propose amendments to bills, even if it did not introduce
them. The current arrangement provides for a second chamber, called the
Senate, representing local interests, which are in the majority, and
private interests. The majority of Senators represent local interests.
the Senate represents a wide range of social interests, that is to say,
the representatives of employers, employees, farmers, craftsmen and
liberal professions. The result of our Senate's work shows that we play
our role well in correcting the excesses of the National Assembly. Our
experience is a good basis for development of the bicameral system and a
strengthened democracy in our State.
position and structure of the Senate of Slovenia require a special
election method, which is different from that for the National Assembly.
The members of the Senate are not elected by universal suffrage as is the
case for deputies. The 22 Senators representing local interests are
elected by the local authorities. The one difference from indirect
elections is a temporary provision in Article 66 of our rules. This
provision was adopted because the system of local self-management had not
yet been set up and neither the new districts nor their structures had yet
been formed.
regards the 1997 elections, that is, the last Senate elections, the Senate
suggested using the 1992 system, where the representatives of local
interests were elected by direct suffrage. However, the Assembly refused
this suggestion, and these representatives, and thus the 22 Senators, were
elected by indirect suffrage. We then had to form 22 electoral
constituencies. Each constituency covered the territory of a district or
several grouped together. These constituencies are laid down by law, and a
balanced population distribution has been sought.
system set up for the election is interesting from the point of view of
the political parties. Only local representatives may be put forward by
the political parties. The parties cannot propose candidates for the
remaining Senate seats, because they represent the interests of civil
society. In the group of representatives of local interests, the Senators
are linked to their territorial constituencies. It is perhaps strange to
note that the political parties, and indeed the parties in the majority,
do not prepare themselves for constructive dialogue with the Senate even
though they put up local representatives for election to the Senate and
propose deputies. The parties should try to back up the Senate and not
weaken it.
composition of the Senate ensures that when legislation has to be drawn up
or a policy implemented, local interests are safeguarded. Local
initiatives may be taken by Senators during their questions or when they
introduce legislation. Each group of Senators chooses a leader who
organises it into an operational or a local group, calls meetings and is
provided with assistants.
do not become involved in party politics, thus providing a significant
quality in Slovenian political life. Although they are in the
majority, the group of local interests do not act via majority votes but
via co-ordination and conciliation between the interests of the various
authorities. The representatives of the local authorities endeavour to
promote the interests of their districts in a more wide-ranging type of
co-operation. Within their constituencies, the Senators maintain contact
with their electors, first with the mayors and then with the population,
by means of clinics in all the towns in the constituency. They offer
technical assistance to members of the constituency.
dialogue offers another opportunity to take the temperature of the country
as a whole, present local interests within the Senate commission, and
safeguard the true interests of the local authority. The representatives
of local interests organise discussions and debates in their
constituencies, to assist or initiate the creation of a bill. In other
words, the local Senate representatives are seen by the population as
mouthpieces for their interests and initiatives.
addition to this role of intermediary, there is the possibility of contact
with the other State organisations and the deputies. The population
expects the Senators representing local authorities to persuade the State
authorities to guarantee local interests. This is what the Senate does.
The Senators' work enables them to establish direct links between the
ministries, the Government and the population.
think that the Senate of Slovenia is an example of successful work. It
remains open to the initiatives of individual Senators and to the
initiatives of the institutions in civil society. The Senate is also fully
aware of the role played by non governmental organisations. There is thus
intense collaboration with some fifty of these organisations. The Senate
supports their action, and assists in the organisation of debates. This
type of support gives the Senate another opportunity for conciliation and
foundations of the Senate are thus to be found in civil society, and also
in local authorities, quite independently from party politics. All this
gives a particular meaning to the building of democracy in a young State
like Slovenia.
Nicolae Vacaroiu, President of the Romanian Senate :
years ago, in a context of earth-shaking change, which sadly resulted in
violence, when we moved from a totalitarian regime to one that was truly
democratic, Romania began rebuilding the institutions of a State of law,
respecting the principle of separation of powers. This rebuilding was
sorely needed. At this time, the Romanian Senate counts 140 Senators
elected by direct suffrage. The seats are distributed according to
population, the ratio of Senators to electors being one to 140,000.
Candidates are either put forward on party lists, or are independent.
first sight, there is proportional representation of the various regions
in the Romanian Senate. However, in reality there are a great many parties
in the elections (between 40 and 160) and there are a multitude of
candidates, but the Senate in fact counts only 5 or 6 political formations
in the final count. Thus a great many seats are elected on the base
of party lists. There is thus anomalous proportion. In some regions, a
Senator is elected with 2,000 votes and not 140,000. So the local
authorities are under-represented in Romania and the same is true of the
Chamber of Deputies.
joint committee of members of parliament and representatives from civil
society is to revise some aspects of the Romanian Constitution, among
which are references to the role of the Parliament.
our Constitution at present, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies have
almost the same legislative activity. Today, the question is whether to
differentiate the powers of the Senate from those of the Chamber of
first, there were several reasons for giving each Chamber the same form.
First, a tabula rasa was required so that a suitable Parliament could be
constructed. It was decided that a single legislative chamber was not
sufficient, because double scrutiny was required. It must not be denied
that there was a second argument, a sort of extra safeguard that was
deemed necessary because of the years of totalitarianism, in the form of
scrutiny of decisions. We needed several pairs of eyes, a brains trust to
ensure that the reforms would continue smoothly with no interruption.
is why today's meeting is of special interest for Romania. We are most
interested in your experience and conclusions, in that of the other
Senates in Europe, which will help us to arrive at the best decision
possible when amending our Constitution.
Senate has created functional offices outside the Senate itself for
Senators, with a secretariat and assistants which enable them to maintain
permanent contact with the local authorities. During the compulsory two
days that they spend in their constituencies, the Senators are in direct
contact with this department. It can provide the local authorities with
information on the bills debated in the Senate, and listen to solutions
and ideas. Senators, who have the power to introduce bills, can also make
amendments which can be accepted directly by the commissions that draft
the reports. If the amendments are rejected by the commissions, they can
still be brought before the Senate.
has therefore been a useful experience. We nevertheless get situations
where our parliamentary colleagues rarely visit their territorial
constituencies. That is why there has been great discontent in some
regions. I cannot disguise the fact that at one point we were concerned at
public dissatisfaction with the Senate. There was similar discontent with
the Chamber of Deputies and as the new President of the Senate I have
taken measures: starting in January, I reviewed the organisation and
operation of the Senate. The main change was to allocate the Senators to
the specialised commissions, where the bills are drafted and analysed, and
where the final decisions are made before tabling the bill in the Senate.
The procedures were simplified. We granted the possibility to table
amendments in plenary session. In this way, our legislative activity was
made twenty times as fast as before. We have passed twenty times the
number of laws as in the previous parliament, while not losing in quality,
of course.
there was criticism at first, but it must be noted that Romania must pass
some 12,000 laws over an extremely short period of time, which means 2,500
per year. It is easy to see that we cannot pass stable legislation over
such a short period, as in the member countries of the European Union.
discussions in our plenary sessions were thus abbreviated, and were moved
to the specialised commissions. This initiative was universally approved.
The second problem, which led us to an unprecedented situation, was the
marginalisation of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in the
legislative process, because the Constitution vested the executive with
the right to issue emergency ordinances in certain situations.
the past four years, over 1,000 simple ordinances, initiated by the
Government, have been issued; as a result, the Senate and the Chamber of
Deputies have pushed onto the sidelines by the executive power. Thus
legislation has become unstable, and this has been observed by investors,
especially foreign ones. Corruption has soared, so that we are now
envisaging blocking the processes which allow the Government to pass
normative acts having the force of law.
wish the Senate to become the true mediator for the local authorities: for
this purpose, the powers of the Senate must differ from those of the
Chamber of Deputies, except in a few areas. It must be the direct
representative of the local authorities. The Senate must also examine the
powers of the executive to supervise the other branches, and its
increasing powers in foreign policy. In the legislative field, it must
focus on the fundamental and organic law.
points are at the draft stage. A decision has yet to be made by the
commission formed by members of parliament and representatives of civil
Alicja Grzeskowiak, President of the Polish Senate :
Polish Senate has no organic, institutional link with local authorities.
It is merely the second legislative chamber. Equally, the Senate has no
particular power in respect of the local authorities.
is there any peculiarity in the method of electing Senators, who are
elected by direct universal suffrage. There is one Senate seat for every
370,000 inhabitants. In the past, Poland planned to replace the Senate by
a chamber which would represent the local authorities. Therefore, during
the work currently being done on the Constitution, the idea was mooted of
having a Chamber representing local authorities, but it was not backed by
the majority. I personally was against this transformation of the Senate
into a chamber of local authorities, because in fact these proposals only
involved changing the method of electing the Senators and restricting the
legislative power.
lack of a formal link between the Senate and the local authorities does
not mean that there is no link between the public authorities. The Senate
elected for the first time, the one that convened in 1989, in the first
democratic elections in Poland, voted a resolution to re-establish local
authorities in Poland, and it also began legislative work with this aim.
Senate also convened the commission of local authorities, which, in
concertation with the constitutional commission which I chaired at that
time, co-ordinated the Senate's work on reform of local authorities.
remember the day when as chairperson of the Senate Constitutional
Commission in 1990, I presented the Senate's proposal for amendments to
the Constitution which would make possible the re-establishment and
activity of the local authorities.
that occasion, I underlined the fact that the Senate saw local authorities
as the expression of democracy at work. The nature and scope of the
problems transmitted to the local authorities were the gauge of the
citizens' political subjectivity and the political freedom of the State.
the Senate had taken this legislative initiative, laws were passed which
re-established local authorities at district level. The introduction of
the upper echelons of local authorities was still, at that time, subject
to reservations. Furthermore, more experience was still needed in
administering these local authorities, which had not existed in Poland for
many years.
is thus the Senate, as the first chamber of the Parliament, elected
democratically, which first argued for local democracy. In some 2,500
Polish districts, the 1990 local elections were thus the second free
elections in Poland.
reform, begun by the Senate of the first legislature, was only completed
during the present fourth legislature. We have introduced the upper
echelons of the local authorities at voivodie level and at pawiat level.
The reform bills were introduced by the Government but the Diet and the
Senate played a predominant role in drawing up the new legislation on
local authorities.
the prime mover in re-establishing the local authorities in Poland, the
Senate still maintains a close interest in their development. It is mainly
the Commission for Local Authorities and the State departments which deal
with this business.
would like to conclude by underlining that following the reforms of the
local authorities, introduced by the Senate, many Senators have begun to
support the local initiatives of these authorities. Some have even run for
election in local elections and were elected to local offices. However,
the new electoral law on the Diet and Senate, voted this year, forbids
people to hold office both in Parliament and locally. Experience has shown
that stricter separation between the local authorities and the legislative
power is needed, in pursuance of the constitutional principle of
separation of power.
that does not mean that the Senators have severed all links with local
authorities. The current law on exercise of the office of deputy and
Senator grants the latter the right to participate in the sessions of the
bodies directing the local authorities in the constituencies in which they
have been elected. Senators also have the right to table motions and
remarks, and intervene in the administration of the local authorities to
deal with issues that they present in their own name or on behalf of their
think that the Polish Senate will always continue to express its
interest in the problems of local authorities, in the exercise of its
legislative powers.
Frederic Korthals Altes, President of the First Chamber of the States
General of the Netherlands :
1579 to 1796, the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands were a
federal republic known as the Republic of the United Provinces. These
provinces were at that time constituted of the old counties, one bishopric
and one duchy dating from feudal times. Sovereign power was exercised by
the States of each province.
that period the States General met at the Hague, and represented the seven
provinces. Thus, in the beginning, the States General of the Netherlands
were the representatives of the provincial authorities alone. And indeed
the States General were dominated by the very powerful province of Holland,
the westernmost province. The members of the States General were
representatives of their provinces and had no freedom of action.
were very much prisoners of their mandates, to such a degree that the
States General which had been so powerful in the seventeenth century
became known in the eighteenth for their dilatoriness. They were incapable
of making decisions in foreign policy because decisions to make war or
peace were supposed to be unanimous. It is thus not surprising that Dutch
historians are trying to warn Europe of the dangers of blockage if
unanimity is absolutely required for decisions in the Council of Ministers.
making was always delayed because the members of the States General were
required to consult the States of their own provinces. In 1796 a new
Republic was created, the Batavian Republic. This had a central
government and a National Assembly which was elected directly. The
provinces thus lost their power. After its conquest by France and its
integration into the French Empire, the Netherlands became a kingdom
integrated into Belgium between 1815 and 1830. The National Assembly once
more became the States general and was again chosen by the provinces.
was only when the northern Netherlands and Belgium were added in 1815 that
bicameralism was introduced. The Senate, which is called the First Chamber
of the States General, was created on the insistence of the Belgians, and
indeed I am still grateful to them. In the beginning, the members of the
first chamber were nominated by the King, and known as the "King's
1848, the new democratic Constitution provided for the election of the
Senate by the States of the provinces, as before. Thus the Senate
continued the tradition of the former States General of the Republic of
the United Provinces. The Constitution does, however, provide that all the
members are responsible for their own decisions and no instruction is
accepted. In this respect the situation resembles that described by the
President of the Senate of the Swiss Confederation.
many years, the link between the States of the provinces, now numbering
twelve, and the Senate, was very strong. The provincial States are not
just composed of the seventy-five Senate members but also comprise those
responsible for presentation of the lists of candidates. Indeed, it is a
very difficult calculation to make. Not only that, but since 1818 we have
taken account of proportional representation. The provinces choose the
members of the Senate depending on population numbers. So there is
proportional representation in the Senate. In fact, for many years, the
political parties did not have much influence over the composition of the
lists of candidates.
today, nearly all the political parties participate in drawing up these
lists of candidates. The members of the provincial States must then submit
lists much more formally, taking account of the decisions made by their
parties. We have thus moved from provincial freedom to party decisions. In
1966, we made a first attempt to influence this nomination. The first
meeting did not last more than five minutes, since the members of the
Provincial States came to the meeting but refused to speak if the party
leaders were present. They had the constitutional right to present
candidates and wished to exercise that right. So, today, as I said, it is
the parties that draw up the lists and it is the provincial States which
then present the lists. We have this type of structure everywhere now.
However, a party must take account of the regional spread of the
they have preference, the States can always choose members other than
those on the list. There is thus a possibility of adjusting the choice
where the Party takes insufficient account of this much insisted-upon
regional spread. Today, two Senators in our Senate are not in the order of
the lists. The Social Democrats in the province of Guelder took matters
into their own hands and rectified the fact that their party was
disregarding the interests of the province.
have also had a Senator with no party affiliation since 1995, who was
chosen by the provinces. As regards legislation, regional differences have
no particular impact in the Senate. Agricultural or business interests are
the same whatever the region represented. The regional bias of Senators
only emerges where bills to modify regional structure come up for
examination. Then there is still the question of whether the Senator comes
from a city or a suburb.
the provinces of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and
the de-centralised structure of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
our political organisation has left little scope for the strong influence
of the local authorities, even though the provinces can rectify choices of
candidates and suggest their own. The added value of the Senate of the
Netherlands is not so much in representation of the local authorities, as
in the fact that its members have a social horizon or experience which is
different from those of the members of Parliament. The latter are
professional politicians, who do not necessarily have great social
experience. They are far more active in the political field, while the
Senators are people who have already accomplished long careers in science,
business and so on, and still wish to live in society. Often they are
teachers, academics, or former mayors, heads of industry, ministers or
members of parliament. So they provide a vast range of experience. For
instance, we have three former ministers of justice, two former ministers
for foreign affairs, one former minister of health, and one former
minister for defence. The Senators do not often make use of their right of
veto: they attach much more importance to the value of the debate.
is what I wished to say to you in this first meeting of the Association of
European Senates. As far as I am concerned it will be my last, since in
October I am due to pass on the relay to a representative of another party
(the Christian Democrats). But he also comes from another province and
represents another local authority.
Alfredo Prada Presa, First Vice-President of the Spanish Senate :
First of
all I would like to transmit the apologies of the President of the Spanish
Senate, Senora Aguirra, who was unfortunately unable to come to Paris
today for this meeting as she wished.
political and constitutional life of the countries we represent offers
many paradoxes, none of which is as great as that presented by
bicameralism. Although it is true that much criticism has been levelled at
second chambers in recent years, a mere glance at this meeting suffices to
show that virtually all the countries around is have a bicameral system
which was established either in the distant past or more recently under
constitutional reforms.
important reason for choosing bicameralism despite the long list of
reasons against, is that generally a second chamber is chosen because of
the underlying reality of the society that requires it. In this regard I
might recall the words of Bagehot, the English thinker and politician of
the nineteenth century, who said, on the subject of the United Kingdom,
"It is clear that we would not need an upper chamber if we had a
perfect lower one", representing the Nation properly, that is to say
always moderately never giving way to passions, and never skimping on the
sometimes detailed and slow procedures required for proper analysis of
It should
be remembered that in Spain we have an important role, not least because
of our territorial representation as the second chamber. Part of our
Senate is elected, with an equal number of Senators for each constituency,
whatever the population. Another part is composed of Senators chosen by
the autonomous parliaments. Finally, there are the towns of Ceuta and
Melilla which elect two Senators. There is one Senator for each autonomous
community in Spain, plus one Senator per million inhabitants.
Of the
259 Senators in our Senate, 208 are elected by the provinces and the
others are chosen by the autonomous parliaments. The local representation
aspect of the Spanish Senate can also be seen in its functions.
There is
also different implication of the Senate and the Congress of Deputies in
the various political issues, not least as regards inter-territorial
responsibilities: concluding agreements between the various autonomous
bodies. There is also specific responsibility for the budget as
provided for by the Constitution. This is important when the autonomous
communities take decisions contrary to the general interest of Spanish
citizens and thus the intervention of the Government is needed.
authorisation is required upstream of Government intervention. Nor should
it be forgotten that the autonomous governments must participate in the
debates of the General Commission for Autonomous Communities. In the
regulations there are a number of provisions which show this territorial
nature quite clearly. For example, there are local groups within the
parliamentary parties which are formed by Senators from the same community
and representing the same parliamentary party.
More and
more in Spain, the political institutions wish to strengthen the power of
the Senate as a means of local representation. In 1994, the General
Commission for Autonomous Authorities was created, with special
responsibilities for administration of the autonomous bodies.
The use
of official languages is allowed in this Commission: the presence of
representatives from the autonomous governments is also provided for, as
is that of the Government advisors of these local authorities and
presidents of the local autonomous bodies.
After the
latest elections in March 2000, the possible reform of the Senate was
brought up again. The Chamber passed a motion on Senate reform on May
16th, 2000, not least with a view to stepping up its role as a reflection
of Spanish party politics. The main goal of this reform is to seek a wider
was opened between the various presidents of the autonomous communities
and the spokespersons of the respective parliamentary parties. The impact
of various factors such as formulas to reinforce the use of the languages
which are official in some autonomous communities on a par with Spanish,
must be examined. It has also been agreed that an autonomous observatory
must be set up, a kind of brains trust to examine all the local issues,
with more particular attention paid to the economic aspect.
we propose to begin study of whether to allow the presidents of the
autonomous authorities in the Chamber, not in the current formula as
members of the General Commission for autonomous communities, but actually
as participants in the Senate's discussions as of right
provinces and municipalities in Spain have existed for a number of years
and we wished to strengthen the constitutional safeguards for these
bodies. The Senate, meeting in plenary session on October 11 2000,
approved a reform of the rules which provides for creation of a
non-legislative standing committee called the Commission for Local bodies.
Its purpose is to step up the role of the municipalities and provinces,
one fully acknowledged by our Constitution, which also guarantees their
autonomy. It will be a new instrument which will provide a new debating
floor on which to express the aspirations and hear the issues of
concern to local administrations. It will also give new opportunities to
these autonomous administrations in the Chamber itself.
we have a range of proposals which are being studied, providing for
creation of a Senate as a true Chamber representing local authorities, it
should not be forgotten that the Senate is also a parliamentary body. It
is one of the "Cortes" of our national Parliament and as such,
it has a legislative function and is empowered to exercise scrutiny of
Government policy, as provided for by the Constitution. The configuration
of the Spanish Senate and these attempts to reform it enable us to see
that the function of representing autonomous communities, which is of
great importance in second chambers, especially where there is a federal
system, could very well be instituted also in unitary States.
And I
think that in that case, they can become the missing link between the
local authorities and the national Parliament, while at the same time not
relinquishing their function as a chamber for second reading of
legislation. This function, albeit much criticised, still seems to us to
be essential in guaranteeing the proper running of a democratic State. And,
to quote John Stewart Mill, who was an untiring defender of second
chambers: "a majority in a single chamber, if made permanent, can
quite easily turn into an arrogant despot, except, of course, if it feels
that its acts might be countered by another constituted power". Lord
Wice recalls, also, that "the advantage of dividing legislative power
into two bodies is that one can give a second hearing and correct
the possible errors of the first chamber".
Gerd Klamt, President of the Austrian Bundesrat :
is a federation composed of nine autonomous Länder. What is essential for
a federation is that responsibilities must be very clearly divided up
between the Länder and the federal government, and this division must be
guaranteed by the Constitution, so that no unilateral change can be made
in this division.
Austrian Länder are provided with bodies having autonomous legislative
power, called the Länder parliaments. they also have independent
governments which can even sign State treaties with neighbouring regions
or States. To guarantee the representativeness of the Länder, the
Bundesrat has the power of absolute veto, which it can use when the
national Parliament takes decisions counter to the interests of the Länder.
To do this, they need simply one third of the votes in the Bundesrat.
Furthermore, all bills introduced by the National Assembly must receive a
hearing in the Bundesrat. The Bundesrat can also use a suspensive veto and
the same thing applies to State treaties. The interests of the Länder are
also safeguarded by two other mechanisms at Bundesrat level: one third of
the Senators can contest a federal law in the Constitutional court, and it
needs only one third of the Senators to vote for a referendum to be held
on any amendment to the Constitution.
Austrian Constitution dates from 1920. It was also in 1920 that the
Bundesrat was created, and since this period, it has led to a balance of
power between the Länder and the federal level. The Social Democrats were
more in favour of a federal model. The members of the Bundesrat are
elected by the Länder parliaments, the number of Senators depending on
the population of the Land. They can range from three to twelve. The
president of the Bundesrat is chosen in turn from each Land, for a period
of six months. My term of office will end at the end of this month, and I
knew that before I started. I must say that it is a great honour for me to
have presided over this Bundesrat for six months, and I find it perfectly
normal that each Land should have the right to its president in turn. It
is the Land parliament that decides who is to be delegated to the
Bundesrat, but the proposal is submitted by a political party and the
person must be eligible to the Land parliament. The Senators have the
right to speak in the Land parliaments. The ministers who are Länder
presidents can promote the interests of their own Lands in the Bundesrat
when those issues are involved. The Länder, particularly their
governments and parliaments, are given all the documents on the
legislative process, beginning with the bills drawn up by the first
Chamber of the Austrian Parliament, and including the results of votes and
the decisions finally arrived at.
the same time, the Länder are invited to give their opinions and explain
the reasons for which they might use their suspensive veto, or use their
right of absolute veto. In Austria, we have a third administrative level.
This is the local communities, especially the districts. These are
autonomous bodies for administering the local authorities. The mayors and
town councils carry out this administration independently and autonomously.
They are grouped into the Union of Austrian Districts and the Association
of Austrian Towns. These districts are not directly represented by the
second Chamber, but enjoy the same right to information as the Länder and,
like them, are invited to give their opinion on the bills submitted to
them. However, the Austrian districts belong to the Länder, and the
responsibility of the Bundesrat is to represent the Länder at federal
there is fierce debate in Austria concerning the Bundesrat, because the Länder
sometimes feel that the Bundesrat is more influenced by federal interests
and those of the central party than by those of the Länder. Thus, a
number of suggestions for reform have been submitted, not least that
Senators be elected by direct universal suffrage. It was also suggested
that the Senators should respect the decisions made by the Länder
parliaments fully in future. At the moment, the Bundesrat members are
entirely free in the exercise of their duties. Other proposals are that
the minister-presidents of Länder and members of Länder governments
should represent the Länder in the Bundesrat. However, I must say that
all these suggestions are perfectly possible under the Austrian
Constitution. The Länder can perfectly well be represented by their
minister presidents, or by the members of their parliaments in the
Bundesrat. The only condition is that they be eligible to the Länder
parliaments. However, the exercise of rights in the Bundesrat is an
eminently political question. The Austrian Constitution fully provides for
effective representation of the Länder in the Bundesrat. In Austria the
population identifies very closely with the Länder. The citizens are
first and foremost the citizens of their own Länder. This is due to the
fact that the Länder are, in the great majority of cases, far older than
Austria itself. They belong to a tradition dating from the Middle Ages and
after the Second World War, the Länder made a decisive contribution to
the re-establishment of the Austrian State.
Gernot Mittler, President of the Commission for European Affairs of the
German Bundesrat, Minister of State :
is an eminently de-centralised country. We have sixteen Länder and they
created the Bund, the Federation. So we had the Länder first and then the
Bund. It is that chronological order that determines our organisation, and
we have very clearly defined distribution of powers, an essential
ingredient in a federal structure. For instance the Länder have power in
culture and education. Their powers are vested by the Constitution. As
regards agriculture and ecology, the Länder are also more particularly
responsible, while the Bund is responsible for foreign policy, security
and fiscal policy among others.
is a clear division of responsibilities between the Länder and the
federal level. Not only are responsibilities divided: the Länder also
have the duty to assist in drawing up legislation at federal level, by
means of the Bundesrat. Unlike in Austria, the German Länder delegate
members to the Bundesrat. They are not representatives of the Länder
parliaments, but members of the Länder governments. Each government has a
certain number of votes. The largest Land in Germany, North Rhine -
Westphalia, with 18 million inhabitants, has six votes and the smallest
Land, Breme with its 500,000 inhabitants, has three votes. Thus there is
not completely proportional representation, indeed far from it. There is
one essential principle which guides us and governs the balance of power
between such different institutions: it is that the law voted by the Bund
prevails over that voted by the Länder. The second principle is that the
Länder must remain loyal to the Bund, and it is precisely at this level
that the balance of power is achieved and solutions can be found for
existing tensions.
course, there may be different political majorities in the Bundestag and
the Bundesrat, as is the case today. The question is then how the
legislative process can be guaranteed. We have the intermediation
committee which is composed of an equal number of representatives from
both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. This committee is responsible for
finding solutions to existing conflicts, by itself submitting proposals to
the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
regards the districts and their legal structures, it is the Länder which
are responsible, as they are for financial subsidies. I wish, here, to
underline the fact that since 1992, our fundamental law has provided that
for questions on the European Union, the Länder have the right to
participate in the discussion in the Bundesrat. Thus the Länder take an
equal part in decision making.
addition to this presentation of our legal structures, I would like to
repeat that Germany is de-centralised, and that is also what enables us to
feel at home in Europe. Europe must be a Europe of the regions, especially
if it is to be accepted by our fellow citizens. The principle of
subsidiarity must be the main idea behind Europe today and in the future,
not just in our Constitutions, but also at the level of our daily lives.
have heard today that there are many different models and different
arrangements in other countries. We have as many configurations as there
are countries. I think that the question we must ask ourselves in this
Association is this: will we really succeed in making these different
configurations in Europe fruitful, so that Europe will remain close to the
citizens and avoid Brussels becoming a conglomeration of anonymous pen
will be the task facing us, and I will go even further. We come from
vastly different countries and we have very different State institutions,
as the various drafts drawn up for a European Constitution show.
Chancellor Schröder and French Prime Minister Mr. Jospin both have an
opinion on this, and I think it will really be the essential question to
be decided in the coming years. I wonder if in coming meetings we should
not also examine this issue.
can we make our contribution, at Senate level, so as to arrive at a common
solution for the future of Europe? How can we move forward efficiently and
appropriately? This is what I would like to say in addition to my
description of my country's legal structures.
Armand De Decker, President of the Belgian Senate :
discussions today have shown how important this exchange of experiences
between our Senates is, and how it could lead to closer collaboration
between us, even to what the President of the Bundesrat just said,
examination of what lies in the future for Europe and more especially the
role the Senates could play in that. Perhaps ultimately, if it appears
possible, a bicameral Europe could be envisaged.
note that many politicians, such as President Chirac, Mr. Fischer, Mr.
Schröder, Mr. Blair or Mr. Kerhofstadt, have alluded to the creation of
bicameral institutions in Europe. When that time comes, of course, there
will be the question of what form the bicameralist structure should take.
Will it be on the German model, where representatives of the governments
of the EU member States will sit in the European Senate, or the French,
Italian, Spanish or Belgian model, with members from each parliament?
at this time I will merely contribute the modest experience of Belgium as
regards the role of the Senate in representing local authorities.
local democracy and the Rule of Law were first created, the local
authorities had a long period of playing a leading role. The basic
liberties, participation in administration and due process are all
foundation stones in our conception of law, and they developed in European
towns during the Middle Ages.
the modern conception of the State, local authorities still have a key
role to play. This enduring interest in local government is currently
being given a new lease of life due to the increasing importance of the
principle of subsidiarity, and also because there are many attempts to
bridge the gap between the citizen and politics. Subsidiarity is a recent
expression of this wish, but it is also, perhaps, a principle as old as
the hills. Subsidiarity requires the lowest level to relinquish the upper
level only if it is strictly necessary. A contrario, the power of the
higher authority includes the functions that it can carry out more
efficiently than the lower one. In addition to this there is the social
role of the local authorities. At a time when the distance between the
official structures and the citizens is constantly being criticised, the
local authorities are the appropriate means by which to bring the world of
politics closer to civil society.
Belgium, these ideas have been grafted onto a process of federalisation
which began in the sixties. The Belgian institutions, which used to
include only the State, the provinces and the districts, were added to by
new decentralised authorities, composed of the communities and regions
with considerable autonomy. Therefore Belgium is currently made up of the
State, three regions, three communities, ten provinces and nearly six
hundred districts, despite its small size.
is unique in what others qualify as a hybrid State structure, composite
surely, some even say baroque, but which all agree is the image of a
country in the borderland between the Roman and Germanic cultures.
transformation of the Belgian State into a federation brought far-reaching
change in the Parliament's power. Since its creation, Belgium has had a
bicameral system. The Chamber of Representatives and the Senate are on
equal footing. However, when the State was reformed in 1993, this system
was radically restructured. The two main thrusts of this reform were first,
the transformation of the Senate into a second legislative chamber, and
second, the representation of the federated entities by that Senate. Of
the 71 Senators currently in office, 21 are so-called Community Senators.
They are elected by the three assemblies of communities from among their
number. Ten Senators are elected by the Council of the French-speaking
Community. Ten others are elected by the Council of the Flemish speaking
Community, and one only by the Council for the small German-speaking
Community which includes 70,000 inhabitants.
Senate represented the higher local authorities well before Belgium became
a federation. Until 1995, over a quarter of the Senators were elected by
the provincial councils. By substituting the community Senators for the
provincial ones, the Senate reform sanctioned, as it were, the development
of the communities as new political authorities.
the members of the Community Councils are still members of the regional
Councils too, all the federated entities are represented in the Senate via
the 21 Community Senators. They enable the communities and regions to have
a mouthpiece in the Senate, for example when Constitutional reforms are
tabled or when federal laws on the status of the federated entities are
discussed. The Community Senators can also enter debate with their federal
colleagues who are elected directly at federal level, and even with the
federal Government. The Senate's description as a meeting place for the
Belgian communities comes from this.
Senate's composition makes it the ideal place for discussion of issues
transcending the strict separation of power between the various political
authorities. This is, for instance, the case for issues regarding mobility,
which concern the regions as well as the State and the communities. It is
also the case for other complex issues such as poverty or the information
Senate also ensures that the federated entities are associated in the
exercise of certain federal powers. Justice, for instance, is obviously at
federal level alone. That being said, the courts and tribunals must also
apply the laws of the federated entities. The constituent assembly used
this as an argument for vesting the Senate with the power to nominate the
members of the Higher Council for Justice, which, in turn, is called upon
to submit candidates for appointment as judges.
addition, the Senate is also vested with the exclusive power to give its
opinion where there are conflicts of interest between the legislative
assemblies, be they federal, community or regional. The Senate is thus the
guardian of federal loyalty, even sometimes the peacemaker. All the
components of the Federal Government are bound to be loyal to the
federation in exercising their power. It is up to the Senate to ensure
that the major conventions regulating Belgium are executed in good faith.
conclusion, the Belgian Senate reflects both the sociological complexity
of our country and its inspiration in seeking a just balance between
solidarity and subsidiarity. In a State where the local authorities have
attained a high degree of autonomy it is important to foster harmonious
co-habitation between cultures, as well as better understanding of our
differences. The Senate is the institutional translation of this wish to
conciliate the respect of diversity and the search for unity, but is not
that the challenge for all plural States, that is to say, States more
attached to promoting harmony than to legitimising exclusion.
result is that the Belgian Senate has changed profoundly. From being a
Senate composed of directly elected Senators, Senators sent by the nine
provinces and co-opted Senators, it has become composed of directly
elected Senators and Senators from the regional and Community assemblies.
The Senate structure has thus been adapted to the new federal structure of
experiment is extremely interesting. It is sometimes complex and operates
relatively well despite the diversity of our institutional systems, our
history and our traditions. We can see that these second chambers, as
representatives of local authorities, manage to provide a most suitable
response to the sociological reality of our countries, and thus arrive at
harmony. I certainly note that the Belgium system, which is without a
doubt extremely complex, has sparked interest in many regions in the world
which have community problems. The institutions of the Brussels region,
one of the three Belgian regions, which is also the home of the capital,
with a population 85% French speaking in the midst of a country where over
60% of the people speak Flemish, provide another example of the
difficulties facing our institutions. To resolve this problem we invented
a regional structure with a regional parliament which itself, like Russian
dolls, is divided into French-speaking and Flemish-speaking or joint
Community assemblies, for certain issues. Naturally, there have been many
visits from communities like the Israelis and Palestinians to find out how
we arrived at a solution to the double-community problem of a capital
which is also the seat of the main political institutions in Europe, and
developed spontaneous, natural tolerance. And we have arrived at that, but
perhaps only because we are a very old people which probably invented
modern democracy in its towns many centuries ago. And we have been solving
our problems, peacefully and politically, for many centuries now. That, I
think, is the special feature and experience that we can contribute to
this debate.
colleagues, before I finish, I would just like to mention our next
meeting, since you have been kind enough to ask the Belgian Senate to hold
it. I think that at this stage it is best to begin by subjects which form
the basis of bicameralism. Mr. Poncelet had the excellent idea of
suggesting representation of local authorities in our Senates. I think
that the other foundation stone of bicameralism is our role in second
reading of legislation and legislative quality. That is the basic
characteristic of Senates and so I propose that at our meeting in Brussels,
to be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2001, we discuss our experience
regarding the role of the Senates in legislative quality. Our Italian
friends have told us that they would like to see documents exchanged
before the meeting, which would save time in our exchanges and
face-to-face discussions. Each delegation could therefore perhaps make a
brief note of how the Senate or Upper House of their country deals with
this quality aspect in the matter of legislation.
in the framework of the Belgian presidency of the European Union, on July
2nd and 3rd 2001 the Belgian Parliament - the Chamber of Representatives
and the Senate - is organising a conference on parliamentary review of
European security and defence policy, to which we have invited the
presidents of assemblies, Chambers and Senates of the member countries,
the chairpersons of the foreign affairs and defence committees of each
country, and also, on the second day, those of the countries applying for
membership of the EU, to join in a debate and common study of how to
exercise democratic supervision of European security and defence. The
European Parliament's powers in this field are limited to information, and
it would be a pity if the national parliaments were the only bodies to
supervise this at national level. During the conference of July 2 and 3,
we will consider this issue and I hope that we will perhaps reach a
consensus between the participants which would enable the conclusions to
be included in the Laeken declaration at the end of the Belgian presidency.
Marc Besch, Secretary General, Council of State of Luxembourg :
Council of State is not really a Senate: in fact Luxembourg does not
really have a Senate despite the fact that from 1830 to 1839, we belonged
to Belgium which did not, perhaps, have the problems it has today, and at
that time our institutions included a Senate. In Luxembourg there is a
problem with our small size. As everyone knows, we have a population of
430,000, and the constituent assembly has always considered that neither a
Senate nor territorial representation was justified. That does not mean
that at the level of the Chamber of Deputies, there is not territorial
representation, insofar as the elections more especially are by electoral
constituency. However, once the deputies are elected, they must represent
the general interests of our country rather than the special interests of
their electors or their region.
Council of State, which operates as a second Chamber in so far as it has
the power to suspend any law for a maximum of three months by its veto,
could have been used as a forum to represent the local authorities, but
this has not been the case. The members of the Council of State are in
fact nominated by the Grand Duke, and not elected. If a vacancy has to be
filled, the first nomination is by the Grand Duke. The next possibility is
to choose a candidate from one of the three presented by the Chamber of
Deputies, and then if there is still a place to be filled, three
candidates are presented by the Council of State and one is chosen, again
directly by the Grand Duke. In practice, the composition of the Council of
States takes account of the representation of the political parties in the
Parliament to some degree, especially as regards the variety of
qualifications and experience of the Councillors, rather like the Senate
of the Netherlands. Thus there are members of the Council of State that
come from the public sector, in addition to a number of high ranking civil
servants and judges, but there is no representation of a professional
order or a territory, like the National Council of Slovenia. That does not
mean that a member of the Council of State cannot become a mayor or a
member of a town council, in the same way as a Deputy in the Chamber of
Deputies can hold two offices. But in fact the Councillor of State must
guarantee impartiality in the exercise of his office, since his duties are
more especially judicial. However, since the Council of State of
Luxembourg is not elected, there is no representation of local authorities
at this level.
should like to conclude by saying how surprised I am after listening to
our debates today. I always imagined Senates on the French or Belgian
model, with a certain territorial representation, but I now see that is
not always the case. As the President of the German Bundesrat put it so
well, there is a diversity in the composition of our Senates that reminds
me a little of that in the Councils of State.
regards the next meeting of our Association, I wholeheartedly approve of
the idea of a topic such as how to draw up good laws. Might I make a
suggestion on this: would it be possible to draft a small questionnaire to
elicit precise answers and thus make a comparative study of the various
systems, which are in fact quite different and thus most interesting.
Armand De Decker, President of the Belgian Senate :
think that the suggestion of the representative of the Council of State of
Luxembourg is most useful. I think it would be a good idea to start with
an informative note on the various systems in our assemblies, and when I
was listening to him I thought that we could also, at the Brussels
meeting, invite a representative of each Council of State from the
countries which have an organisation of this kind, for example. It is true
that once we begin to examine the quality of legislation, the roles of the
two assemblies and the Councils of State are interlinked and it would
perhaps be useful for them to attend our debates.
Carlo Guelfi, Vice Secretary-General of the Italian Senate :
new president of the Italian Senate, who was elected a few days ago, was
presiding over the Senate session which elected the new presidential
bureau this morning. The Italian Senate is now ready to begin work with
four new vice-presidents, and it asked me to represent it as a Senator. My
remit is merely to inform the new president of the debates that have taken
place here. They have been most interesting, especially for a country like
Italy which, as you know, must now discuss the issue of federalism. There
has been an amendment to the Constitution recently, and it is to be
submitted for referendum in a few months' time.
any case, federalism is still a burning issue in Italy and, naturally, it
is closely linked to the role of the Senate and institutional change.
However, that is all I can say for the moment. I have also been asked to
confirm that the Italian Senate is most interested in this initiative
taken by the French Senate, and thanks President Poncelet, of course, and
all the presidents of Senates here today. During the next meeting in
Brussels, we will be able to pursue this most interesting experiment,
especially in the light of the suggestion made by the President of the
Belgian Senate.
Armand De Decker, President of the Belgian Senate :
Mr. Poncelet mentioned European bicameralism earlier and we have all seen
the speeches made by Mr. Chirac, Mr. Fischer, Mr. Schroder and various
other heads of State and governments, perhaps we could take a few minutes
to give our opinions, or have a free discussion on this subject.
Tone Hrovat, President of the National Council of Slovenia :
our meeting in Belgium, the next one will be in Slovenia. We will talk
about democracy in countries in transition and the bicameral system. Our
Belgian colleague's suggestion seems to me to be particularly useful, even
more so for countries with a more recent democratic tradition. It would be
a message on bicameralism. I think it is very important to send a message
to our governments, parliaments and political parties so that they can
begin to think about building democracy through a bicameral system.
Françoise Saudan, President of the Council of States of Switzerland :
are monitoring the debates on the future of Europe most attentively.
Indeed, we had the opportunity to talk to you about it quite recently. I
remember the first debate I read in the press, between Mr. Fischer and Mr.
Chevènement, and I must say that I found it difficult to distinguish what
I would call the basic issues. I find it most useful to have this
discussion here. It is very important to bring Europe closer to Europeans.
That, in particular, is the aim of the Charter of fundamental rights of
the European Union. In Switzerland we have two instruments which are
remarkably effective but which induce paralysis: the referendum and the
initiative. I do not recommend them for Europe because I think that,
although they are the best way to make the sovereign the arbiter, they are
also terribly stultifying.
Alfredo Prada Presa, First Vice-President of the Spanish Senate :
At the present
time, the European Union is in a period of change and we are building anew
the famous European model, with new challenges, and new member countries.
Quite plainly, we must take account of this reality in the future
configuration of the European Union which is to be changed in the coming
years. Moreover, it is true that we have a number of organisations such as
the Council of Europe, the Committee of Regions, or again, even the
European Parliament, which still require the finishing touch, and are
waiting for those powers that they do not yet have today. So every time
there is an important issue, it is obvious that the concrete thing to do
is increase parliamentary representation.
might be good to increase the supervision of the European Union by
government bodies. But the question is whether a Senate is justified in
existing or not. Even politicians are asking themselves whether there
should be another parliamentary entity at European level. But might that
not produce a degree of incomprehension from citizens and a barrage of
criticism from the media? Nevertheless, I think it is an issue which needs
more thought, and full discussion. I think this association of the Senates
of Europe is likely to have a very promising future. We will of course
have other meetings, new topics to discuss; and I think that our
association will be a forum in which we can air the opinions in our
various countries on this question of bicameralist structures in the new
European context.
Frederic Korthals Altes, President of the First Chamber of the States
General of the Netherlands :
think all this is most interesting, especially what my colleague from the
Belgian Senate has just said. I must say that in most of our countries, it
is the government and the parliament, that have direct representation,
which discuss these issues.
would say that we must start by deciding if we want a model on the German
or Austrian lines or if we want a southern European model, in which
representation is of certain groups of the population, and that, of
course, makes a huge difference. When we discuss these issues, we will
need to be extremely cautious, because when the question is a second
chamber for Europe it must not be to the detriment of the European
Parliament as we know it today, which has a growing influence. The
European Parliament, in my opinion, still does not have the powers and
possibilities that should be expected of a parliament in a democracy that
has attained a degree of maturity. We must therefore be sure that the
debate on a second chamber is not detrimental to the European Parliament.
We must first ensure that we truly represent the European people. We might
represent the governments of the member States, on the German model,
certainly, but I repeat that it is a little too early to discuss this. But
it is nevertheless useful, and that is why I am delighted at the
initiative of the French Senate.
Xavier de Villepin, President of the commission for Foreign Affairs of the
French Senate :
he told you earlier, President Poncelet had an unavoidable appointment to
see the President of the Republic, and so he asked me to replace him to
bring our debate to a conclusion.
this interesting day of discussion, each member of the Association has
been able to present the system in force in his or her own country and the
role of the chamber they belong to in representing local authorities.
We have thus been able to gain knowledge from each speech and use the
similarities and differences as inspiration. This comparison also allows
us better to get to know each other, and this is a great advantage. I
think it is also one of the aims of our Association.
am delighted that it has, today, entered its truly operational phase, and
look forward to the coming meetings organised by the Presidents of the
Belgian, Slovenian and Spanish Senates.
French Senate thus hands over the relay to President De Decker for him to
continue the work started by this Association, in the certainty that he
will foster the project we began together.
more, I wish to say how pleased I am to have participated in your work,
and thank you very much for your active participation in today's meeting.
I wish you a pleasant journey home to your respective capital cities.