of European Senates |
of the Association of European Senates
Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, Wednesday 8 november 2000
Christian Poncelet, President of the Senate of the French Republic :
I am delighted to welcome you to the Luxembourg Palace so that we can set
up the Association of European Senates for the assemblies we represent.
This idea which I am submitting to you today, this project which I propose
to give form to, has two sources:
- the first, is that I believe very strongly that bicameralism
is of great importance ;
- the second, is that parliamentary assemblies have a
fundamental role to play in European construction.
We are gathered here today because, by definition, we belong to bicameral
Parliaments. Although this fact is often disregarded and indeed sometimes
contested, we are aware of the benefits that bicameralism can bring in
terms of better representation of our citizens, territories and activities.
We are convinced that the passing of bills from one house to the
other improves the quality of legislation, because it ensures that both
sides of a problem can be heard. It also allows issues to be argued fully
and a wider range of different opinions to be expressed. In short, it
bolsters the democratic operation of the legislature. Finally, any
parliamentary assembly that does not always have the same political
majority as that supporting the executive can provide better, more
efficient, genuine and objective supervision of executive policy.
As you know, I personally am a defender, a believer and a promoter of
bicameralism. I am also favourable towards active co-operation between
Senates or second houses.
That is why the French Senate took the initiative of the Meeting of last
March, at which most of your assemblies were represented, and to which I had
the pleasure to welcome you. The Meeting of the Senates of the World
enabled us to arrive at a better understanding of bicameralism and to
measure its importance and diversity. It has already led to renewed study
into bicameralism. There is no doubt whatever that our Meeting contributed
to the discussions of the Presiding Officers of Parliaments from all over
the world, organised by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New York at the
end of the summer, in preparation for the Millennium General Meeting of
the United Nations. It has, and will continue to have, practical
consequences in the form of Senate meetings in certain areas of the world.
But we Europeans must do more.
The Second World War was in many respects a European civil war, in which
half our continent fell under the domination of the Soviet Union. But
towards the end of the conflict, hope dawned, in the shape of the " European
Economic Community ", which enabled France and Germany to become
reconciled, and a pacific, democratic and prosperous union to be built in
western Europe.
Some ten years ago, after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron
Curtain, the collapse of the Soviet empire opened the way for the long
awaited reunion of the great European family. Peoples who had been cut off
from their roots were reinstated in homes that history, geography and
culture had bequeathed to them in Europe.
Today, the European Union occupies a decisive position in the lives of our
States, governments and citizens. Whether we are full members, aspiring
members or under its immediate influence, the European Union exercises a
powerful force of attraction in many fields. It is under European control
that the standards by which or according to which we legislate are laid
down. The governments that we supervise devote a great deal of their time
and activity to it. More generally speaking, the European Union leads us
to compare, indeed sometimes adapt, some of our internal organizations
which seem legitimate to us because they are based on our traditions and
our citizens' real needs.
However, I do not wish to brush a portrait of the European Union that is
too sketchy.
I know how much its six, nine, ten, twelve and then fifteen member States
owe to it. I also know that while not being a guarantee, the European
Union constitutes an insurance which will enable us to build a reconciled,
free, loyal and prosperous continent together.
My dear colleagues, it is because I am strongly convinced of these two
ideals - the virtues of bicameralism and our common European destiny -
that I propose today that we co-operate in the framework of an Association
of the European Senates.
It is true that several forums for concertation are already in existence.
Some of us participate in the annual Conference of Presiding Officers of
the European Union Parliaments. Our respective assemblies are represented
at the Conference of the European Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of
the fifteen member States. Nevertheless, there is no framework for co-operation
between the upper chambers of those Parliaments. That is what I am
proposing today.
Practically speaking, the Association will be a simple, permanent
structure, operating at both political and administrative levels. The Association,
which all the Parliaments can join, will also provide a framework for
meetings of their Presidents at least once a year.
It seems to me that these meetings will be more profitable if they provide
the opportunity for each of us to give the others the benefit of our own
experience on specific topics chosen in advance. Our horizons will thus be
broadened and we shall mutually gain from these exchanges. The topics we
choose to discuss must be of interest to us all. I shall go over a few of
these to illustrate what I mean, but this list will not be an exhaustive
one. For example, we could look at the supervision of European policy by
second chambers, second chambers and the application of the principle of
subsidiarity, or second chambers as an illustration of national
characteristics. Similarly, some of us could undertake to go into some
subjects in more depth and make more detailed study.
The secretariat of the Association will be responsible for keeping members
up to date with events between Presidents' Meetings. Each of us will be
required to nominate a correspondent with the Association from our
respective parliamentary departments. In addition to seconding us in our
periodic meetings, the staff we nominate will be responsible for
facilitating exchanges of information and experience between Association
members. They could thus organise training periods together. Similarly,
data bases could be set up to build up the information available to each
Creation of a special Web site, using links between each of our Web sites,
would enable us to publicise our action better and to facilitate
communication between Association members.
Dear colleagues, I believe that the project I am putting before you today
will meet a genuine need and will provide the framework for useful,
practical and adapted co-operation. I hope that you will share my belief.
Your presence here today strongly suggests this. Therefore, although I
have no wish to make things more formal than necessary, I do think it is
necessary to draw up the main outlines of how our Association will operate.
I suggest that we consider our meeting today as a founding meeting.
That is why I thought it was a good idea, if you are agreeable, to begin
by examining the draft rules for the Association together, so that
we can actually create it officially.
During the second part of our meeting, I suggest that we fix the place,
date and topics of the first and subsequent proper meetings of the
Association of European Senates.
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues, I will now hand over to you. I
suggest that those wishing to make general comments go first.
When we have finished the general discussion we will move on to
examination of the draft rules.
Mr Frédéric Korthals Altes, President of the First Chamber of the
States General of the Netherlands :
Mr Chairman, dear colleagues, my first words will be to give my warmest
thanks to Mr Christian Poncelet for his initiative in creating the
Association of European Senates.
The Senate of the Netherlands warmly welcomes this undertaking. We were
already delighted with the French Senate's idea of holding a Meeting of
the Presidents and two delegates from every Senate in the world on March
14th of this year. That was followed by the suggestion, by the President
of the French Senate and Mr Raymond Forni, the President of the French
National Assembly, to invite the Presiding Officers of the parliaments of
UN members to a dinner in honour of the presidents of the European
member countries' Parliaments, on the occasion of their meeting.
Today, we are here in Paris once more in this historic venue, under the
French presidency of the European Union, to lay the foundations of a
common future for the European Senates.
The Senate of the Netherlands is anxious to contribute fully to the
building of an Association of European Senates, for several reasons. First
of all, it is right that, in a world and a continent where peoples are
moving closer and closer to each other, and where interdependence is ever
more important, we should step up the co-operation between those who
represent our peoples. That is why it is a good thing for the Presiding
Officers of the Parliaments of the member States of the European Union and
the president of the European Parliament should meet once a year. I
consider these meetings to be very important. It is also most appropriate
that the Presidents of the European Senates, whose working methods and
focus are different from those of the Chambers of Deputies, should meet
Secondly, and this is no doubt peculiar to the Netherlands, such co-operation
will bolster our own positions in our own countries and in Europe. The
Senate of the Netherlands was created in 1815, at the time when the
Northern Netherlands and Belgium were united. The Netherlands have
gratefully kept on the bicameralism that was imposed by Belgium for that
union, which lasted for only a brief time. Perhaps that is why the status
of the Netherlands Senate has been the subject of so much debate. In
January this year, the Dutch Minister of the Interior submitted a report
which contained observations but no concrete proposal for the first
chamber. When this report was examined in our house, we were able to make
use of the valuable information provided by the French Senate, in the
proceedings to the Meeting of the 14th March which was on the
topic of " Bicameralism, an Idea for the Future ".
This documentation will enable the debate in my country to be deepened.
Thirdly, these meetings will allow us to exchange our experiences,
especially as regards involving national parliaments in the European
legislative process and as regards quality control for implementation of
Community legislation. After long discussion, the Senate of the
Netherlands took an important step towards improved supervision of
European legislation, and more active intervention in the drafting stage
of Directives. The second chamber of the States General, the Chamber of
Deputies, examines the agenda of the Council with the Ministers and
Secretaries of State involved, each week. The Senate of the Netherlands,
which wishes to avoid any redundancy, prefers to limit its role to quality
control of Directives. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the
exercise of the right to approve decisions binding member States, which
are taken in the framework of the third pillar, is equally divided between
the two Chambers of the States General, and requires thorough preparation.
In our view, the coming annual meetings to be held by the Association
should be for the purpose of promoting the exchange of experience and good
practice. For these reasons, we wholeheartedly approve of the creation of
this Association. We think that the draft rules have all the necessary
provisions, with no superfluous trimmings. The President of the Senate of
the French Republic, the Secretary General and all his team, have done
excellent work, thus materialising the concept that bicameralism is an
idea for the future. Thank you.
Mrs Alicja Grzeskowiak, President of the Polish Senate :
Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the Senate of the Republic
of Poland, I wish to express our firm support for this initiative to
create an Association of European Senates. I thank the President of the
French Senate, Mr Poncelet, for this initiative which, in my view, is very
important and useful. We are placing great hope in the creation of this
Association, which will develop contacts and exchange experience between
the Senates of European countries. Until now, bilateral contacts were the
norm. The Association will allow multilateral contacts. The Polish Senate,
the tradition of which goes back to the end of the fifteenth century, is a
modern, forward looking parliamentary institution. It was only re-established
in 1989 ; and this event symbolised the end of Communist rule in Poland.
The Polish Senate was very open to international parliamentary exchanges,
and over the first two years of its existence it established relationships
with the upper Chambers in nearly every European countries, as well as
with several countries outside Europe. These relationships took the form
not only of official visits, but also of study visits and exchanges of
working experience. We are very grateful for this assistance during our
pioneering period. The Polish Senate, which had been denied existence by
the Communists for nearly 50 years after the end of the Second World War,
was obliged to reconstitute its tradition by integrating the democratic
evolution in parliamentary systems in the free world. I personally
have grateful memories of the study visits we made to the Senate of the
French Republic in 1990 and 1991, when I was Chairman of the Senate
Constitutional Committee. I feel I should voice the hope that the
Association of European Senates will promote not only contacts between the
Presidents of upper Chambers and between senators, but also between the
Secretaries General of these chambers. The Chancellery of the Senate of
the Polish Republic owes a great deal to these contacts and has fruitful
co-operation with the secretariats of the Senates in some European
countries. I would add that I fully agree with the draft rules for
the Association of European Senates that was submitted to us.
Mr Ivan Havlicek, First Vice-President of the Senate of the Czech
Republic :
The Czech Senate is undoubtedly the most recent upper chamber of all those
represented here. After a long interlude, it was re-constituted in 1996.
The Constitution of the Czech Republic vests it with the role of
safeguarding democracy. Therefore the duty of the Senate of the Czech
Republic is to support democracy in our country and we seek as many
experiences as possible from which to learn how to be worthy of our role
as the most recent upper chamber. I have been asked to say that the Senate
of the Czech Republic fully supports the creation of the Association of
European Senates and we are ready to do everything - within our
power, of course - to contribute to the success of this
Association and we also consider the rules as drafted to be very well
formulated and drawn up. We are prepared to approve them.
Mrs Esperanza Aguirre Gil de Biedma, President of the Spanish Senate :
My first words will be of thanks to President Poncelet and all his team of
colleagues who invited us here to the meeting of March 14th
2000 to continue our work. I also congratulate them for the high quality
preparation that has gone into this meeting and its organisation, and
finally, for their idea in creating this Association of European Senates.
Furthermore, I greet my colleagues from other countries who are to form
this Association with us, and I would like to inform them that the Spanish
Senate is convinced of the need to create such an Association today, for a
number of reasons. I will not go into them one by one, but some seem to me
to be fundamental. The first is our need to adapt the institutional
relationships between the member States of the European Union to the
incoming new candidates. The second, which President Poncelet himself
has often iterated in international meetings, as indeed did our Belgian
and Dutch colleagues a few minutes ago, is that a bicameral system is both
important and useful, and this must be brought to public attention.
Thirdly, it seems to me that the territorial nature of many second
chambers, not least the Spanish Senate, better corresponds to the geometry
or the structure of the new States that are in the middle of
decentralisation phases. For all these reasons, dear colleagues, I can
assert that the Spanish Senate supports, indeed, may I say
enthusiastically supports, the foundation of this Association of the
European Senates. Once again, may I thank Mr Poncelet, our Chairman,
for having accomplished this.
Mr Mircea Ionescu Quintus, President of the Romanian Senate :
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues, first of all, allow me to
congratulate our hosts, and especially Mr Christian Poncelet, the
President of the Senate of the French Republic, for this remarkable
initiative - the creation of the Association of European Senates -
because today more than ever, a forum is sorely needed in which
parliaments can discuss issues related to European integration, and is a
place where information and experience can be exchanged both at
parliamentary and departmental levels. I would also like to express my
thanks for the invitation to participate in this most important step in
the history of bicameralism, which will allow the parliamentary aspect of
international co-operation to be reinforced.
It is perhaps not fortuitous that at this time the Romanian Senate has
found itself taking stock : it is the end of a legislature and even more,
the end of a decade of legislative work which thus closes the millennium
in Romania. It is with justified pride, I must admit, that I have observed
that, on the whole, the laws voted during the current parliament
correspond not only to the spirit and basic principles of parliamental
government - the respect of universal values, human freedoms and democracy
- but also to the requirements for Romania's membership of the European
These basic principles were also respected in the Senate's debates on
adoption of a modern legislative framework suitable for the Romanian
realities which it will be called upon to regulate, and, at the same time,
in harmony with existing EU law, in order to allow Romania to
integrate all the European structures in successful stages. With this in
view, we have voted legal rules in the fields of transport, work and
social protection, justice, health, and foreign policy, nearly all in
compliance with Community standards. Once again, the fact that we have
voted these laws shows as clearly as possible that we wish to build a
legislative framework and promote European values in every aspect of
Romanian life. Even if we have not yet reached the desired level with the
Senate, we have nevertheless been able to a large extent to adopt the laws
required by the economic reforms and consolidation of the rule of law.
The other function of the parliamentary institution, our supervisory role,
has been based on constitutional provisions and the Senate has acted by
means of questions and comments addressed to the Government. However,
fairly vehement debate arose on emergency orders and it might be necessary
to make a stricter definition of the relationships between the Parliament
and the Government, as regards both the rules governing emergency orders
and the principle of Government responsibility.
Similarly, I should like to make a brief mention of how the Parliament,
not least the Senate, is involved in State foreign policy. Parliamentary
diplomacy has become the place where national interests can be shared,
where political animosity can be left aside and genuine, precious
consensus of all parliamentary political forces can be arrived at on
fundamental issues, especially the strategy for Romanian membership of the
European Union.
However, as is the case when we take stock, we must also know what we
intend for the future in addition to what we have achieved, so that
Romanian democracy can be made more vigorous and the structures of the
Rule of Law can be more efficiently run.
During this parliament, we had discussions on the need to differentiate
more clearly between the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. It was
decided that two Chambers with perfectly equal powers, elected in the same
way, were a cumbersome solution, and that different, complementary
prerogatives for each would produce effective bicameralism. I am referring,
for example, to the fact that the Senate should be vested with more
important prerogatives for the adoption of organic laws and legal rules
related to membership of our country to European structures, or on
transposition of EU laws. Similarly, any legislation on foreign
policy or national defence would be in the hands of the Senate.
As you can see, we are, both now and for the future, most interested in
examining subjects dealing with membership of Europe, because this process
is far from being over. Much remains to be done to prepare our State and
economic structures for the challenges of the 21st century. We
are aware that Europe is very demanding as regards adoption of EU laws.
But whether we are in the opposition or in the government, we
are all, as responsible members of parliament, required to ensure that the
process of integration - which also entails sacrifices -
should not be discredited in the eyes of our electors and to remember that
the final user of this elaborate structure is the citizen.
That is why, in conclusion, I would like to emphasise that during this
phase, when our parliaments have crucial role to play, this Association
will be most useful, because it will be a forum for our debates and
exchanges of our experience and ideas.
Mr Gernot Mittler, President of the Chamber for European affairs,
German Bundesrat :
I will also begin by expressing my warm thanks to President Poncelet for
his initiative, for the second time this year, in bringing us together. In
March it was the Senates of the World, and now it is the Senates of
Europe. I would also like to thank you for the setting you have chosen for
this work, which shows how much importance you attach to today's meeting.
When we see so many Europeans around the same table, we are forced to
remember that tomorrow, on November 9th, it is the eleventh anniversary of
the fall of the Berlin Wall. European unification took on a new dimension
on that day, and began to speed up. Anyone reasoning in historic terms
will recognise the opportunity we have today to welcome eminent
representatives from the countries once known as the Eastern Bloc. I would
like to add a personal note to this. I feel it is a signal honour for
someone like me to be present here today. My father fought in France
during the War; he served as a soldier here, and then he was imprisoned in
France. But my son lived in France, first in Montpellier, then in Paris,
where he studied medicine. He also did training periods here; all this
shows what an exciting, fortunate historical period we live in today.
Europeans are uniting so that they will present a stronger face to the
outside, and they are also avoiding unproductive internal competition
which might give rise to old nationalistic reflexes. But the idea of unity
giving strength when facing outside danger should also guide the European
regions. The more Europe grows, the more it will be important for regions
to gain weight inside this structure.
In your introduction, Mr Chairman, you highlighted the virtues of
bicameralism. For Germany, I can only say that we fully agree with this
view, and my colleague Klaudia Martini very clearly stated this last March
when she said that the second chambers have a major role in preserving
regional and territorial identity. In Germany, the bicameral system has
long been an integral part not only of our constitutional law but also of
our actual constitution. We must therefore take account of the
singularities of our regions in the European context, and we should allow
our provinces and regions to express themselves. European ambitions will
be met all the more easily as citizens accept this process, and acceptance
by European peoples will depend on their identification with the diversity
of European construction. That of course will require structures, and I am
grateful to you, Mr Chairman, for having taken this initiative.
I am delighted that you kindly submitted a set of draft rules for the
Association on which we could base our future work. However, I must make
one small reservation which is due to our particular German structures. On
the day after tomorrow, the President of the Bundesrat will change. The
Minister who presides over my Land is to be replaced by the Minister who
presides over the Land of Saxony for one year. In this period of
alternation, we have not been able to consult within our chamber. I would
therefore be grateful if formal adoption of these draft rules did not take
place before formally consulting the Bundesrat. Rest assured that we do
not intend to remain by the wayside, and that the Bundesrat will wish
fully to take part in this new body. We feel it is important to give
concrete effect to these excellent intentions.
Mr Christian Poncelet :
Given the circumstances, the alternation for Bundesrat Presidents, we are
very happy for you to defer your answer for a short time, but it would
appear from your speech that there is no doubt as to the content of that
answer. I think that my colleagues will agree to allow you an additional
period of study so that you can consult your new President.
Mr Tone Hrovat, President of the National Council of Slovenia :
Mr Chairman, allow me to thank you in my own name and on behalf of the
Slovenian Council for your initiative. That goes both for the Meeting of
the Senates of the World and for today's meeting. Slovenia is a young
State which is starting out in democracy, and it is important for our
Council to act in a bicameral framework. The bicameral system is not an
old tradition in Slovenia, and so we have been all the more attentive to
the experience and advice of States which have used this system for a long
time. I thus take this opportunity to thank all those who helped us to
achieve a bicameral system. I would particularly like to thank
President Poncelet and the French Senate. There are also others I would
like to thank, but I must be brief here. I would also like to congratulate
the French Senate and its President for their excellent drafting of the
rules that we were given. Ours is one of the States that have moved from a
totalitarian system to a democracy. We may not yet have found all the
required forms, and the operating of our bicameral system perhaps still
needs some adjustment. So I would like to take this opportunity to invite
the French President and my other colleagues from European Senates to
Slovenia, where we could discuss the problems posed by introducing a
bicameral system into a young democracy. I would like to suggest that next
year or the year after we hold a meeting on introduction of the bicameral
system into young democracies, in Slovenia. Once again, may I thank the
French President for today's initiative and for the help you have given us
in establishing a bicameral system in Slovenia.
Mr Christian Poncelet :
Thank you for your interesting contribution. As far as we are concerned,
it is satisfying to see the great efforts you are making to meet the
criteria for entry into the European Union in the shortest possible time.
You are applying to yourselves the famous maxim " God helps
those who help themselves ". You have invited us to Slovenia. We
will be delighted to come, but that decision must be taken by our
colleagues later today, since there are several candidates, and we will
make sure that the meetings take place in rotation in all the member
countries of the Association.
Mr Bruno Frick, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Swiss
Council of States :
First of all, I would like to express my warmest thanks for your
initiative and for your cordial welcome to the Luxembourg Palace today.
The Swiss bicameral system dates back to 1848, that is to the foundation
of the Swiss Confederation. The two chambers have absolutely equal powers.
In all the countries where it is practised, bicameralism has two main
virtues: it allows more varied representation of the population, and it
ensures better examination of legislation. While the National Council
represents the Swiss people and counts 200 deputies, the Council of
States represents the Cantons and there are only 46 members (two per
Canton). In Switzerland, the Chamber of Cantons safeguards the
federal structures and the principle of subsidiarity. It thus allows the
smaller cantons to be heard as well as the larger ones. The prestige of
the upper Chamber dates to the early part of the twentieth century, more
precisely since its election by the people and no longer by the Cantonal
parliament. Because we have developed the system of working in
commissions, the States deputies are all the more sought after as they are
fewer in number. Bills are examined from different angles depending on the
various interests. They thus get two thorough goings-over rather than one.
The upper Chamber plays an essential advisory role.
Having made this brief historical overview of our civic heritage, I would
like to remind those in this prestigious Chamber the importance of the
words " exchange " and
" communication ". Any attitude towards communication
depends on an overall view of Man and Society. Any wish to communicate
implies interaction, joint construction, and sharing of knowledge and
facts. The interaction created by the Association of European Senates will,
without doubt, provide an effective means of enhancing political
communication and argument. " Understanding leads to better
communication, communication leads to better government ",
could be the motto of our future Association of European Senates.
Your project for the Association of European Senates, President Poncelet,
immediately sparked considerable interest from our President of the
Council of States, our Senate. I am asked today to inform you of his
strong support and the participation of my country in your initiative. May
I also, at this point, open a parenthesis, and congratulate you for
another of your initiatives: the periods of business experience offered to
some senators. All these initiatives produce closer collaboration between
politicians and economic and social players. They all encourage local
democracy, which guarantees that common concerns and experiences are
shared, that democratic principles are defended, and that the balance of
power and the interests of local communities will be respected. It is
therefore with confidence and enthusiasm that we will attend the next
annual meeting of Presidents. We also approve your proposal to come to
prior agreement on the topic to be placed on the agenda.
Mr Carlo Rognoni, Vice-President of the Italian Senate :
Without more ado, I would like to say, Mr Chairman, how much the
Presidency of the Italian Senate approves the initiative you have proposed.
That being said, the friendly atmosphere of today's meeting encourages me
to be perfectly frank and admit to you that we have greeted this
initiative with a degree of ambiguity. Why is this so ?
First of all, because we are always cautious when faced with initiatives
that might lead to possible breaches in Italian reality today, namely the
provision of complete bicameralism. In order for the Italian legislative
machine to work properly, it is essential that both chambers play a role.
I remember that the President of the Canadian Senate, during a G8
meeting in New York, took the opposite view. At that time I underlined
that equality between the chambers was an essential feature of the Italian
Republic's legislature.
We are, on the other hand, extremely interested in Mr Poncelet's
suggestion and by the idea of a forum open to countries that are not yet
members of the European Union and to others which will no doubt never be
members. We are also interested in the idea because of the facts of
Italian politics. The election of the presidents of Italian regions, which
took place for the first time last spring, was the first step in a process
of institutional reform which could ultimately lead us to federalism and
the vesting of greater power in the regions.
This trend towards administrative decentralisation, and redistribution of
power from the centre to the periphery, which is linked to direct election
of the presidents of regions in Italy, led to a debate on the role and
future of the two Chambers. I am therefore very interested, as indeed are
all the Italian senators, in the various models of bicameralism. How does
this system work in the various countries ? How can territories best
be represented ? How can bicameralism best be implemented and
exercised, it being understood that our purpose is to improve the quality
of our democratic operation as best we can ?
Thank you, Mr Chairman, and may I repeat once again how much we support
this idea of an Association.
Mr Armand de Decker, President of the Belgian Senate :
Mr Chairman, I wish first of all to congratulate you. There is absolutely
no doubt that, under your guidance, the French Senate has become the best,
most dynamic, efficient, warm and hospitable of defenders of the
bicameralism to which we are all so attached, but which is regularly
subjected to questioning, or indeed attacks. You had the excellent idea of
organising the Meeting of the Senates of the World in this Palais du
Luxembourg a few months ago, and I expect that all the colleagues here who
went to that meeting considered, like myself, that it was of quite
exceptional interest. It was the occasion for us to judge just how well
bicameralism can defend democratic values, be it for larger or smaller
States, for federations or for centralised States, for monarchies or for
republics, or for presidential or for parliamentary systems.
You were right, Mr. Chairman, to remind us in your introduction that not
only does the bicameral system give better representation of territorial
entities in our various States, but it is also an absolutely basic
component of democracy of itself, because it allows the rest of society to
judge legislation before it is passed. Because bills are passed from one
house to the other and this takes time, each section of civil society has
the time to react when the government or the parliament proposes
legislation. Once again, I congratulate you for having taken the
initiative of creating an Association of European Senates, because it will
give us the opportunity to exchange our expertise and experience, and to
grow stronger from what we learn from each other.
I have already noted the interest of our colleagues' speeches this morning,
because they are very different and express the concerns of their Senates
and their States. President Korthals Altes reminded us that it was the
Belgians who, during our fifteen years of shared existence in the
Netherlands, fought to obtain a second Chamber in the Netherlands, so as
to safeguard Belgian interests. Even so, as Mr Korthals Altes pointed out,
sometimes the upper chamber is questioned. Similarly, we also had to fight
to create our Senate in the Netherlands in 1830, and the question of how
useful bicameralism is arises regularly. I therefore think that the
Association we are creating today is extremely important for the actual
defence of bicameralism itself, and it will help us to demonstrate its
intrinsic value.
I should like now to consider the European aspect. We are living in a time
of European reconciliation, of European history unfolding at its proper,
natural pace, and we must make use of this opportunity. I think we could
use the Association of European Senates to help our friends in Eastern
Europe in their preparations for European membership, a very difficult
process in which they must deal with the transposition of European law
into their own national legislation. Yesterday the Belgian Parliament, the
Chamber of Representatives and the Senate, signed a protocol for co-operation
with the Slovakian Parliament. This is the first large co-operation
agreement of this kind. Over the next two years, three successive
delegations of seven members from the Slovakian Parliament will spend time
in the Belgian Parliament : and three delegations of civil servants from
the Slovakian Parliament will do likewise. Obviously, we do not have the
means to do this sort of thing indefinitely, and we shall have to choose
some States with which we could do it. But I think that all of us here
could most probably share this out and help aspiring members of the
European Union with their work in introducing European law into their own
Then, Mr Chairman, you said in your introduction that one of the topics we
could discuss is the issue of our second chambers reviewing European
policy. I am sure that we are all fully aware that the construction of
Europe is at a crossroads, and that its form, the European institutions,
are no longer adapted to a Europe that will have to operate with
25, 28, or even 30 members. Given that for us Belgians, European
construction is above all a political project and not merely a wish to
create a large economic market, we want the European Union to serve to
multiply the political centres in the world : we are rather tired of the
uni-polar world we live in, where the United States is the only really
great power and has overweening power to decide the fate of the other
inhabitants of the planet. The European Union is a project the aim of
which is to be a counterweight : if we work towards that, we must
strengthen Europe and the question of a European Constitution will arise.
The German Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Fischer, has raised it at an
opportune moment. President Chirac has shown an interest; other ministers
and Prime Ministers have also reacted, and it seems clear to me that when
the European Union has moved towards a stronger entity, the question of a
bicameral Europe will arise. There is no unicameral federation, as we all
know. As I pointed out in a speech to the Assembly of the
Western European Union (WEU) on accountability of EU foreign policy
and common security, parliamentary supervision of inter-governmental
policy in the European Union cannot be carried out solely by the European
Parliament. It is clear that the parliaments of the member States of the
EU who decide to send armed forces on peace missions, and who vote
defence and foreign policy budgets, will remain involved in European Union
foreign policy and common security issues for a long time to come.
Therefore, we must find a European parliamentary entity. This common
entity must be different from the COSAC, where members of parliament
represent their nations around a table, unlike at the European Parliament,
the Council of Europe or the WEU Assembly. We shall need this if we
are to supervise the inter-governmental policy of the European Union, and
I think that then, the question of European bicameralism will arise. I
believe, but this is only my opinion, that our Association could think
about this at some stage.
Having said all that, Mr Chairman, I am delighted with your initiative,
which the Belgian Senate supports unreservedly. We are in total agreement
with your draft rules which seem perfectly well-balanced. The experience
of the Conference of Presiding Officers of the European Union can be
detected in it, and that is a good thing. As our meeting today is to
constitute our Association, I propose that the first real meeting be held
in Paris, Mr Chairman, since you were the author of this initiative. Once
that has been done, I should be delighted to welcome you all to Brussels
when the Association decides it is our turn.
Mr Johann Payer, President of the Austrian Bundesrat :
To start my speech I would like to thank you for having invited us to this
meeting, and for this initiative taken by the French Senate to gather the
second houses of the member countries of the European Union and those
applying for membership.
Although the first houses of our parliaments mostly have the same
functions, the purpose of the second houses varies considerably. The
Austrian Bundesrat is a federal chamber. It is the chamber that represents
the lnder, the Austrian provinces. Our nine Austrian lnder had a major
role in creating the Austrian State, and so it is very much in the
tradition of our Constitution to offer the lnder an important role in
legislation. The members of our second house are elected indirectly by the
provincial parliaments. The role of the Bundesrat is to preserve and
enforce federalism.
There are many second houses in Europe which differ greatly from that I
have the honour to represent today. Although the objectives, purpose and
composition of all these houses may vary greatly, there are nevertheless
similarities which warrant investigation. These convergences or common
points are perfectly expressed in the preamble to the draft rules we were
sent. The challenge many of us face is that second houses are constantly
required to justify their existence, their work, and their political
necessity. In a context such as this, we have a lot to learn from each
other. We could also undertake, later on, to observe various developments,
or changes in society, that we could discuss and work on in our national
parliaments, not because we decide these social changes, but because they
seem important for each of us and for us all together. That is why I am
fundamentally in agreement with the idea of co-operation between second
houses in Europe.
The draft rules, which I received a few days ago, nevertheless require
further debate in the Austrian Chamber I represent. We have not had the
opportunity to have a thorough discussion on it. This is particularly
necessary for the Austrian Bundesrat because the presidents switch every
half year. I would thus be making an undertaking for the president
after myself. My term of office comes to an end on December 31st
2000, and another land will have the presidency in the half year following.
That being said, I am personally able to say that Austria will not be left
at the wayside. There is one point I should like to bring up. Perhaps we
should investigate the possibility of organising the Association meetings
at the margin of one of the inter-parliamentary meetings which already
take place between European countries or those in the European Union, so
that we could save time and money. I do not mean that we should prepare
for these other meetings; we would have our own topics, but we could hold
our meetings at the same time as those which will be held anyway in the
various European countries. I am very grateful to the French Senate and
its President Mr Poncelet for having had this idea of co-operation,
and for organising this conference;
Mr Pjer Simunovic, chargé d'affaires at the Croatian Embassy in
France :
Mr Chairman, the Croatian Senate, the Chamber of Districts, offers its
sincerest apologies for not being able to send its members to the founding
meeting of the Association of European Senates. This is due to the illness
of our President. I shall inform the Croatian Senate, which is most
desirous of taking its place in the Association of European Senates, of
the observations made at this meeting. Finally, allow me to say that today,
as a professional diplomat, I am very happy to see such a successful
instance of parliamentary diplomacy, which is an essential component of
co-operation between the democratic nations of our continent and of the
European integration which is our common goal. I do not say this simply
because parliamentary diplomacy facilitates the task for us professional
diplomats, but because it has intrinsic value. We can but salute this
founding meeting wholeheartedly, and thank the French presidency and Mr
Poncelet personally for his initiative and enthusiasm.
Mr Marc Besch, Secretary General of the Council of State of the Duchy
of Luxembourg :
I wish to thank you, Mr Chairman, and congratulate you on behalf of the
Council of State of Luxembourg, for your excellent initiative in creating
an Association so that closer relationships between European Senates can
be built up. The Council of State is most honoured to be asked to
participate in this Association in the capacity of observer. Last May I
had the pleasure of being present at the creation of an Association of
Councils of State and other administrative courts. We may therefore
observe that Community law and construction are gradually leading
institutions to create closer exchanges so that EC law can be
transposed more effectively into national law, as you said earlier in your
speech, and legislation can be of greater quality.
As can be seen from our name, we are not a Senate, we are well and truly a
Council of State. Small countries sometimes offer these oddities which may
cause surprise, because they fall in neither category. In fact, we are not
a true Council of State either, or rather, no longer a true Council of
State. This is because we lost the Litigation Committee, and therefore our
judicial capacity, three years ago, following a decision handed down by
the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights. Now our role is merely advisory, but
we do have tasks more like those of a Senate or a second house. In fact,
there has never been a Senate in Luxembourg. If we go back a little in
history, we find that in 1848 Luxembourg copied the 1830 Belgian
Constitution, which at the time was a model of liberalism, but we did not
adopt one important feature, the Senate. The constituent assembly judged
that Luxembourg was too small to create a real Senate. Of course, they
must have realised very quickly, and this falls in with your aims, that
the system was deficient. The chamber of deputies of the time had a
tendency to make hasty laws without taking the time to ensure that they
were enforceable, whether they were constitutional, or whether they
complied with superior rules.
That is why the Council of State was created in 1856, with an advisory
remit. At that time it advised the Crown : it had to give an opinion on
all bills and proposed legislation, as well as on all amendments. The
Luxembourg Council of State differs from those in our neighbouring States
insofar as it intervenes at every stage of legislation, and of course
every stage of regulation. We are often envied by our colleagues in
neighbouring Councils of State because of our duties, which are still the
There was a fairly far-reaching constitutional reform in 1868, and the
question of a Senate arose once again. It was the Council of State that
proposed to create a Senate. However, the constituent assembly failed to
agree with the Council of State on this issue, again for the same reasons
as in 1848. However, a solution was found, typically Luxembourger, if I
may say so, insofar as any bill or proposed law must be voted a second
time at least three months after the first vote, still by the chamber of
deputies. The parliament can, however, do without this second vote if the
Council of State acts. It is only with the Council of State's agreement
that the parliament can dispense with the second vote. The rule has in
fact become the exception, because the Council of State dispenses it from
the second vote in 99 % of cases, because its own opinions are followed.
The Council of State is also consulted, and the procedure of dispensing
the parliament of the second vote also works, for draft revisions of the
However, the Council of State is not directly elected by the people, like
most Senates or like the Luxembourg regions. A number of people in
Luxembourg criticise the fact that the Council of State is not elected
In fact, we are not really a Council of State, and we are not really a
Senate. We are between the two. I therefore wish to thank you for having
invited the Council of State to take part in your work. We find it most
interesting, because there are a number of problems we also face: for
example, the question of what constitutes an amendment: this is a question
for all Senates in principle; and also the integration of Community law
into national law. We are anxious to make good laws that can be enforced
in practice, and that comply with the higher rules of law such as the
Constitution and international law. I congratulate President Poncelet once
again and thank you all for allowing us to observe this meeting.
Following this debate, the draft rules submitted to participants were
adopted with no amendment, subject to the confirmations of the German and
Austrian Bundesrats, which are currently changing their presidents.
The Association then discussed the dates and topics of its next meetings.